Alex Easton MLA has today called for the iconic steps at the side of the Train Station going down into Dufferin Avenue to be revamped and reopened.

Speaking today Alex Easton MLA said:

“As a child and teenagers these steps were always there and always used by pedestrians and people coming off the trains and buses, they were always a part of the town and in some way were an iconic part of the town of Bangor.” The steps for many years have now been forgotten for some reason with them being fenced in by metal fencing maybe for the reason they were in a bad state of repair and were dangerous.”

“These iconic steps cannot be just left to crumple and be forgotten about so I plan to raise the issue with the Council, Transport NI and Translink to determine why they have been left in this state and closed off for these many years but to also look and explore could the steps be reopened to the public so that the steps at Dufferin Avenue can be used for future generations.”
